Monday, January 4, 2010

An open letter to Seoul Metro Users

Dearest Fellow Commuters,

We all know that getting to and fro in Seoul is, more often than not, a pain in the arse. It's been even worse the past few days with the unusual amount of snow we've been getting. People who normally drive are flocking to the already over-crowded subways.

On my commute home today, I found myself wanted to strangle the nearest living thing at least three times. Thus, I have compiled a list of suggestions to users of the Seoul Metro, although many could be applied to people just walking on sidewalks.

1. How about we learn how to walk? Let me be more specific. What if we adhered to a ground-breaking system in which walkers stayed to the right, allowing a two-way flow of traffic? Oh wait! There are stickers and signs all over the metro telling you do this; you just don't!

2. On a related note, how about stepping to the side when you are texting/using your cell phone instead of stopping right in front of me? This too, allows for a continuous flow of traffic.

3. When someone in front of you is walking a little too slowly for your liking, what about walking around them rather than plowing into them? Seems to me like it would require less physical exertion.

4. When the train is full, what about simply waiting for the next one rather than shoving yourself and the people in front of you inside, nearly crushing people to death in the process? Where on earth are you going that is so important?

5. When people are lining up to get on the train, how about allowing the first person in line to also be the first person on the train, rather than plowing them out of your way? Ajummas, I'm talking to you. People don't stand in line because it looks cool.

Look, I know we're all in a hurry to get where we need to go, but I just don't think that trampling and shoving are a necessary part of the daily commute. Maybe that's just the Minnesota nice in me.

I can't wait for all this snow to melt, so that the drivers among us can go back to nearly running me over with their cars instead.

Cordially yours,

Annoyed Commuter

1 comment:

Holly said...

lol! the joys of public transportation...