Friday, July 31, 2009

K-Pop Update

(Written June 30th)

Tme for another update from the world of K-pop. I’m excited to report that Korea’s very own Wonder Girls are currently touring in the U.S. They are opening for the Jonas Brothers, which is sure to give them a lot of exposure, at least to 12-13 year old girls.

They recorded an English version of their hit “Nobody,” but I doubt that it will be anywhere near as big of a hit in the States as it is here in Asia. It’s still a catchy song, but only one of the girls can sing in English without a thick Korean accent. I also read the Pioneer Press review of the Twin Cities’ concert, and the Wonder Girls weren’t even mentioned. My coteacher was disappointed to hear that, but that’s the reality of the entertainment ‘biz. American pop groups/movie starts frequently make it big abroad, but the reverse isn’t true.

Lately in my classes, since the year is winding down, if we have a few minutes left at the end of the period, I’ll play the K-pop music video of the students' choice. These are the 3 most requested videos right now in the girls' classes, and I happen to be a fan as well. (In the boys' classes they always request Eminem's 'Stan,' which is declined) I especially love Son Dam Bi. Like most K-pop songs, I only know what one or two words mean, but that’s probably for the best.

2 PM "Again and Again"

2NE1 "Fire"

Son Dam Bi's "Saturday Night"


1 comment:

Jon Somebody said...

The fact that I don't know what they're saying makes it way more listenable since this is not my type of music. And I imagine a classroom full of Korean girls dancing along with the video and laugh. :)