Thursday, June 12, 2008

Summer "break"

I have decided to go with the public school job. I didn’t want to flake out and come home after 6 months, and a year and a half seemed like too much to commit to right now, so the year-long contract was the deciding factor. I still think the vacation days the private school was offering would have been really nice for all the traveling I want to do. I’ll just have to do a lot of weekend trips.

This is my first week of summer break, but it hasn’t really been much of a break yet. I spent two days cleaning out my classroom, which still isn’t clean, I’ve been running around getting all my documents for Korea in order, and the online course at UST I signed up for began this week. Tomorrow morning I’m flying to Seattle for the weekend to visit my cousin and two friends from high school who recently moved out there. Then I fly back on Monday, and start teaching summer school the next day. I probably should have given myself more downtime, but I think it’s better than last summer when I spent one too many afternoons sitting in my apartment watching “America’s Next Top Model” marathons on T.V. ☺

I already know that the next two months are going to fly by, and before I know it, I’ll be leaving for Korea. I’m not quite ready yet. I did meet with a gal on Tuesday who has been teaching over there for the past year who gave me lots of great advice and a list of places to find necessities in Seoul, so that was really helpful. But I think no matter how many people I talk to or books I read or how much research I do, I’m not going to feel “ready” when the time comes. I’ve just got to deal with it.


Anonymous said...


but you will have funn

Anonymous said...

you will have to keep in touch!!!!

Anonymous said...

you should have had more down time and have fun in seattle

Anonymous said...

yyahh why dont you just stay longer? then you can see them longer?

Anonymous said...

Hooray for visits to Seattle. If you ever feel like sneaking back into the US for a weekend, we're just a plane's ride away here in Sea-town!

Olive juice,
Renee :-)