Thursday, May 6, 2010

New K-drama with 이민호!

Since my departure from Korea just over two months ago, I seem to have forgotten all the uber-frustrating times and I'm romanticizing my time there. My poor family and friends are undoubtedly sick of hearing about how much I miss Korea, about how certain things are better there (namely food portions that don't render one obese) and many have been subjected to lengthy K-pop video viewing sessions on Youtube.

I think I'm more obsessed with Korean pop culture now than I was when I lived there.

Case in point: today I didn't have any subbing jobs lined up, so I spent a good chunk of the day in my PJ's catching up on the K-drama that I'm addicted to, "Personal Taste," which stars Lee Minho of "Boys over Flowers" fame.

He's back!

I'm not in Korea anymore, but I'm guessing it's big there considering its popularity on, where I watch it with English subtitles.

As was the case with 'Boys over Flowers," any success this show has cannot be attributed to captivating storyline or superb acting, because it's awful. Yet I keep watching, because of Lee Minho and his eye-candy appeal. There are lots of long, drawn out moments where the camera is zoomed in on his pretty face.

I also read on my favorite K-pop website that the snazzy, albeit feminine, clothes he wears on the show are highly sought after in Korea right now. I can just imagine the men of Seoul decked out in the frilly suit coats he sports on the show.

"Now where did I leave my murse?"

I love it though. Bring on the ruffles :)

Here's a sneak peek of "Personal Taste"

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