Thursday, August 27, 2009

Overheard at LeAnne's Daycare, 8-10-09

Charlotte, one of my mom's daycare kids, has always been a favorite of mine. She's 6 years old, completely blunt and brutally honest, which makes conversations with her highly entertaining.

Last summer she and Sofia, another outspoken daycare kid, were giving me a lot of grief because my YOUNGER sister had gotten engaged. Why wasn't I getting married? I told them that boys were overrated and I wanted to travel the world.

This week I was showing them where I live now and the places I visited this year in a World Atlas. I also showed them some pictures and videos from my year abroad, expecting them to be impressed. Not so much. Our conversation afterwards went something like this:

Charlotte: But, are you married yet?
Me: Ha ha, no.
Sofia: How old are you?
Me: 26.
Sofia: What?! Why aren't you married?
Me: I don't want to get married right now. Maybe when I'm like 30 I'll start looking for a husband.
Sofia: (Aghast) You should have been looking for a husband when you turned 21!!!
Me: If I was married, I couldn't travel.
Charlotte: You could travel with your husband.
Me: That's true.
Charlotte: Or you could just tell him you're going to school or work and go on a trip.

Guess they have it all figured out for me :)


Emil y NElson said...

I like the idea of waiting until 30 to think about getting married. I guess I have another 1.5 years before I start to husband hunting.
I like the way you think!

Renee said...

Lol. I like the fact that your union would be built on lies. 'Bye honey, I'm running to the grocery Paris.'