Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fed Up

I was a little hasty in announcing that I'm staying on another year.

I'm currently in negotiations with my school and SMOE. If I don't get what I'm asking for, (2 weeks home leave in August and a week in October for my sister's wedding) I'm not signing any contract and will be back in the U.S. in September, probably subbing.

At one time that seemed the least attractive option, but right now I would be okay with that. There have been a few points this year where I thought I would have to be certifiably insane to stay another year in my current position, and today is one of them.

I'm sick of all the BS. Sometimes I just want to be a teacher, not a walking grammar book and cultural ambassador. I'm sick of having no power, no authority, and having to work within the super-confining Korean school system. I'm sick of having no freedom.

Ideally I wanted to work at either an International School here in Seoul or go to Japan this fall, but because my sister is getting married the first weekend in October, something I absolutely cannot miss, that doesn’t really work out. Even if they gave me that time off in October, they probably wouldn’t also grant me two weeks to visit my family in August. I haven’t seen them in 9 months and I can’t wait until October. 2 months from now seems long enough; I wish I was home right now. My cousin April just had her second baby, my brothers are growing faster than Chia Pets, and I just miss everyone in general.

I told my co-teacher (the poor woman is the liaison between me and the non-English speaking powers that be) that I want to stay but I’m not signing anything unless I get the 2 weeks in August (it’s in the contract) and the time off for my sister’s wedding (not in the contract). She thinks it’s hopeful, but they like to tell me one thing and then change it 12 times, so who knows. (One of many annoying things about the schools here)

I'll keep you posted.

My sister Natalie and our new cousin Kevin Timothy, born May 12, 2009

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I don't get it

File this under “things I don’t understand about Koreans.”

I’m at Starbucks right now working on my TEFL course (one of several reasons why I haven’t updated my blog in a while) and just witnessed a near physical fight between two Korean businessmen. They were screaming and hollering at each other and getting in each other’s faces. About 25 minutes later, they walked out of the building shaking hands and smiling like they were best buds.

I really don't understand Koreans sometimes.

I will post a real update once I finish Unit 17. (There are 19 Units total) I signed up for this course in October and am just now finishing it; it's kind of pathetic. It just keeps getting pushed aside though ("I'll finish it over winter vacation...after Cambodia...after Thailand...during mid-term week" etc.) I have to finish it by the end of May though in order to get a the pay raise next year. (I've sort of officially decided to stay another year...more on that later)